2019年3月9日 星期六

Minecraft: The best 3*3 piston door

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about that today I made a super cool 3*3 piston door in Pocket Edition. I think that is the best piston door I have ever made. Do you like it. I used two different Redstone creations to mix them together. I think mixing Redstone creations is not easy at all. I want to add more Redstone creations on it.

Do you like to make piston doors? I love it. I can say that is the best thing to do. You need to know a lot about Redstone. I think that is not easy. I want to make a super cool piston door. I need to learn more. I want to build a house with lots of piston doors. There are different things in each rooms. I want make a super big piston door. I can also make secret bases.

I think today I felt happy because today I showed everybody a super cool piston door. I am very happy. If you want to make your own, you can learn Redstone. I am not a Redstone pro. There are lots of Redstone pros. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. See you in next blog. Goodbye!