2019年3月8日 星期五

Dragon Mania Legends: It is a good game

HI! Everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to introduce a very good game to play called Dragon Mania Legends. I think it is fun because you can have lots of dragons, and you need to fight I think fighting is fun. Sometimes there are some skills to trick your enemy. I think they are super important. When your fire attack has a number one on the mark. That means every enemy dragons on the battlefield will minus HP. I think you can use that to win easily.

I have three cool dragons. Bee dragon, Smoke dragon, and Tribal dragon. They are all higher than level 9. Smoke dragon and Tribal dragon are level 10, and Bee dragon is level 11. I think they are really strong. There levels are high. I think that is not easy to have a level 10 dragon. You need to have lots of food. Foods is not easy to get. You need to plant foods in your farms.

I think today I felt happy because today I introduce a game called Dragon Mania Legends to everybody. I want everybody to play this game, so you can tell me some secrets. If you like my video, please tell me what do you want to watch, give it a like, subscribe my channel, and share my video. See you in next blog. Goodbye!