2018年6月22日 星期五

Guess how many scores I got and my rank

Today I want to tell everybody about that you can guess how many scores did I get, and my rank, first guess score.

The score I got is not 100, but more than 90, the score is very special, because the score is prime number.

Prime number means no any numbers except 1 and my score, which means the prime number between 90 to 100.

Now I would like to tell you another clue, it is the next number of 96, and 100 minus 3 is my score in the exam.

Give you another clue, if one question one point, and you got three wrong answers, and your score will be the same as me.

Give you another clue, it is 98 plus 2, minus 4, plus 4, minus 10, plus 6, plus 3, minus 3, then plus 1, it is my point.

Give you another clue, you can write the hard formula, 1236 minus 1139, and the answer will be my score.

Give you another clue, and this is the last clue, 98 minus 1.

The answer is 97 points, and I was the first place with one of my classmate.

I think today I felt happy, because I was the first place, but, my classmates are very good and there is another first place.