2018年6月26日 星期二

My sister had a speech today

Today I want to tell everybody about that my sister had a speech today in the morning, and that was about Japan.

My Mom and my sister already prepared the PowerPoint, so the people that were listening don't know what is inside PowerPoint.

They only know that is about Japan,they are all very excited, and I am also very excited, because I want my sister to be good.

My sister is very good when she finished the speech, and we had a question time, let me tell you the question time.

In the question time the question is 'can you bring the coffee home?' And 'can you bring melon to the airplane?'

They are all good questions. How much money you need to bring, this is a very good question, I will tell you the answer later .

The answer is the money that is in your bag, so if you have any JPY, use them to go to Japan, so use all JPY you have.

JPY means Japanese Yen, my question is very strange, I asked 'the scarecrow is still alive in the PowerPoint.'

But the scarecrow is broken, and its head fall onto the ground, and this is my very strange question, what do you think?

I think today I felt happy, because today my sister spoke very well in the morning, and this is the first time she presents.