2018年4月27日 星期五

I can jump rope very well now

Today I want to tell everybody about that I felt I did good job at jump, before I am not good at jump rope, but now I feel different.

I wanted to learn how to do well at running jump, I can do very fast, but when I am and dumping number nine time I can’t jump anytime.

This make me think about I need to practice more, when I go home, I asked my Mom to buy a jump rope when it is Saturday.

I wanted to jump in the park that’s near to my home, this is good, because if I don’t know what can I do, I can jump rope, and I will get some fun.

This is the best, because I can get fun, and I can practice about how to jump rope. I can do two things, this is a good choice.

If you want to practice you can do like me, this is very good, if you give me some choices, I choose this, because you can get fun and you can practice.

This is what Saturday I want to do, but before that we need to do something first, tomorrow I can tell you the answer, do you want to listen?

There are lots of way to do with your jump rope, you can have running jump, this is what I wanted to practice, you can have normal jump, I think everyone know how to do.

Now everyone long watch tomorrow I need to do? The morning I need to do something, but now I can't tell, you because this is a secret.

I think today I felt happy, because I thought I am better than before, I practice more, I want it to be faster and many times.