2018年4月2日 星期一

Tomorrow is kids day party

Today our teacher said tomorrow is kids day party, so everyone can bring a toy to school, but I don't know which toy can I bring.

My home has lots of toys, but some toys are boring, I don't like to play these toys, I only like to play my fun toys, I like to play with Squirtle.

My classmates liked to play top, my classmates also like to play Lego, too. They don't like to play with boring toys, too.

They think top and Lego are best toys, my home has lots of Lego, but my home don't have top, so I can't play with them.

Tomorrow we will play three air cushions, today we played those air cushions, two air cushions are inside the room.

One air cushion is on the playground, and it is in front of the room, I think that air cushion has more fun than other two air cushions.

I hope I can play with these air cushions, I hope tomorrow can come soon, and we can watch the show in the room.

Tomorrow will be a good day, because tomorrow is kids day party, so we don't need to learn about math, the the math class is too boring.

Maybe tomorrow we can have more fun to play air cushions, when today I am playing air cushions, I really like it.

I think tomorrow will be very fun, because we can have lots of fun with air cushions, we can bring toys to school, and we can play.