2018年4月13日 星期五

I felt sad today

Today when I go home, I cried in my Mom's car, because my Dad went to Taipei, so he can't play with me, and I felt very sad.

My father will come home at Sunday, when I go home, I always think about my Dad, this makes me be very sad in Friday.

When it is morning today, I cried in my school, because I know today my Dad goes to Taipei, and he needs to speak to everyone in the room.

Today evening, my Dad called me to play Mobile Legends, so I and my sister are playing, and my Dad is playing, too. We spoke together.

We played three times, the first time I used Karina, and I got MVP. The second time I played, I didn't got MVP. I felt sad.

The third time we played, I used Martis, and I got MVP, because I defeated lots of heroes, but I just think today is the worst Friday in my life.

Every Friday, I felt happy, but today I felt really sad, I always play with my Dad, and he says I am good at playing Martis, so I love my father.

My father always helped me when I felt sad, he played with me. The first time I played Mobile Legends I am in Warrior rank, now I am Master.

I can do it, because my Dad always helped me, and we tried everything, we never give up, we just play rank, so now my reward is I am master, I am not warrior.

I think today is sad, because my father went to Taipei, and my father liked me, we go together, we try very hard, now we are friend, the best friend.