2018年4月7日 星期六

I drew Martis / Mobile Legends

Today I want to tell everyone about my picture, yesterday I drew a picture, the picture is about Martis, so I want to write this blog, and you can know about Martis.

Martis is a hero in Mobile Legends, he is a good fighter, let me tell you about his skills and how can you use his skills.

The first is you can make a clamp, and enemies will be stunned, you can use first skill to kill the enemy that is almost dead.

Now I can tell you about his second skill, his second skill is he will push anything that is in front of Martis, this is strong.

If there are lots of minions, you can use his second skill, so minions will be hurt and some minions will be dead.

If they didn't die, you can use his first skill, so they will be stun, and then you can defeat them, this is how can you defeat minions.

Martis is a good fighter to clear up lanes, and you can use Martis to gank enemies, because he is a good hero to do ganking.

He is special, because lots of fighter is not good at ganking, but he can do it very well, tell you how to use him to fight very well.

The first part is you need to use second skill, and then use first skill to make enemies stun, and then use second part of second skill.

I think Martis is a good hero, because if there are lots of enemies, you can defeat all of the enemies, this is very good.