2019年5月21日 星期二

Jim's Story 2: Cookie

Part 1 Reading

" Someone ate my cookie! " said Jim. He thought his brother ate it, but his brother said, "I don't even know where are your cookies."

Jim asked his sister, "Did you eat my cookies?"

"I hate strawberry cookies!" shouted Jenny.

He asked mom and dad. They both answered, "We will not eat your cookies."

"Then where are my cookies?" asked Jim. Then he saw some small pieces of cookies outside. He went to see. There are some footprints.

There were a lot of footprints. The footprints were going to the forest. Jim walked until the footprints ends. There was a small hole. Jim looked inside, but it was all dark. Jim spilled some water in it. Some ants walked out. Jim used a shovel to make the hole bigger. Jim used a paper to cover the hole. Then he turned back. He saw some worms carrying some strawberry cookies. The worms also went inside a hole. Now Jim knows it is a wormhole.

He went inside and went to another planet. He saw lots of big insects and big spiders. Jim thought this is impossible to happen but it is real. Jim used a insecticide to try kill the insects, but nothing happened.

Jim saw a car. he sat on the car. The car was as fast as light. The car hit a tree. Jim died in the dream so he woke up.

"Where are my cookies?" asked Jim. Then his mom said, "They are right here!". Jim laughed, "It is just a nightmare". Jim's cookies are on the table.


Part 2 Thinking

Where are the cookies?

A. on the table   B. on the desk   C. under the bed

How fast is the car?

A. as fast as a pig   B. 100 sextillion per hour   C. as fast as light

The answers are A and C. Did you get 100% right. Tell me under the blog.

I think today I felt happy because today I made another story about Jim. I think Jim is very funny. I will have the speaking contest tomorrow. I hope you want me to win. I will try my best. See you in next blog. Bye Bye~~