2019年2月22日 星期五

Minecraft: 3 cool piston doors

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about today I made 3 very cool piston doors. I think they are all pretty good. I made one in the video. I think making piston doors is not a very simple thing. You need to know a lot about Redstone. I think people will think Redstone is hard. I think Redstone is hard, too, but I think Redstone is amazing. It changes the whole game. Lot of Youtubers like Minecraft because of Redstone, like Mumbo Jumbo.

In the video, I showed you two piston doors, and I also made another piston door in the video. I think building piston doors in the video is very cool. I want everybody knows how to make piston doors. I think everybody should know how to make piston doors if you play Minecraft for more than one month. If you don't know, you can watch my video.

I think today I felt happy because today I showed you 3 kinds of piston doors. I think they are all not very hard to make. I am not a Redstone pro, but I made it. If you like my video, please give it a big like, tell me what do you want to watch, subscribe my channel, and share my video. see you in next blog. Goodbye!