2019年2月25日 星期一

Minecraft: trying to make double pistons!

Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about that today I am trying to make double pistons. I think they are super hard. I used a very long time to do it. I think I don't like double pistons. I don't know what kind of piston doors can I make in the future. I think piston is not a easy thing. It is hard to know. I think that is not good. I want to learn things that are easy, but amazing.

I want to learn cool but simple things, but I think everything that is hard is very huge. I don't like to copy. I think coping is bad. You can't know how it works. I think that is not very good. I want to make things by myself. I think copy is just bad, but I can't make double pistons. I need help. Even I don't know how to make double pistons, I will still do it by myself.

I think today I felt a little bit sad, because I didn't make some very cool double pistons. I think that is really hard. I think you need to use slime blocks. It is impossible to make double pistons without slime blocks. If you have a simple way, please tell me. If you like the video, please give it a like, tell me what do you want to watch, subscribe my channel, and share my video.