2019年1月31日 星期四
LEGOLand: time control is very important
Hi, everybody! My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about that we went to Legoland. I think it is very fun. I want to play it again. I will tell you what is the best thing. There are lots of sculptures made of Lego. I think they are pretty cool. I want to make things like that. Let's begin!
We woke up at hotel. Then we went to eat breakfast. It was very good. After eating the breakfast, we went to Legoland. It is a good place. When I saw it. I thought that is a wonderful playground. There are lots of things to play. The thing that makes me feel scared is The Dragon. It is a roller coaster!
My Dad thought that is not. He said, 'It is not a roller coaster. Don't be scared.' I don't think so. My sister and me were scared. We think it is roller coaster. We think maybe we will be sick. My Dad wanted to play. When we were at the station. I felt scared. I don't want to be dead in this land.
After few minutes. We went on the train. First, we can't see outside. You are in a tunnel. The tunnel is big. There are some cool things made of Lego. It is not just a sculpture. They can move. It is not scary. However, when I saw the train track that is going up, I was sad. I also felt a little bit angry because my Dad said that is not roller coaster.
The train goes up and down. It was fast. The wind is big. Sometimes the train goes so fast in different directions. I think that is crazy. I said I don't like it on the train. When the train comes back to the station. I was scared. You will ask why. It is because I thought maybe the train will go again.
The coolest thing is not that. The coolest thing is called Make A Boat. There is a place to make your own boat. There will be lots of normal boats. There is nothing on the normal boat. You can use Lego blocks to decorate it.
There is also four lines which the boats can go. If your boat doesn't break. Then you win. Try not to overturn. The water is big. The water will push your boat away. I was wet. I played it for about three hours. At last, my sister and me was surprised. The normal boat can float. It will not break or overturn.
I made a boat that doesn't overthrow, but not all the time. It overthrew one time. It is when we were leaving. It overthrew. I was sad. There are lots of rooms in my boat. There are water inside. There are also some holes. When it is moving. It can collect the water. The water will let the boat be heavier. Now I know why my boat will overthrew. It is because a block just fell off from my boat. If it didn't happened, then maybe my boat will be great. We didn't try again because the time is too late. We need to eat dinner.
I think today I felt happy because today I made boats. Tomorrow is the last day. I am very sad. I want to play in Legoland. It is too fun. Do you want to play now? I want to play. I want to make boats. We can't play water because we need to go onto the airplane. See you in Taiwan! Goodbye!
2019年1月30日 星期三
SCMAGLEV and Railway Park: Experience can get experience
Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about that we went to SCMAGLEV and Railway Park. SC means Super Conducive. MGA means magnetic. LEV means levitation. I think this museum is very cool. There are also lots of things that can move. Let's begin.
The coolest thing in this museum will let you guys shout. When we were in the lobby of the museum. We saw a paper. It says there is an event in this museum. Everyone will have tickets. You can put the ticket inside a box. Some people can use a machine that have lots of things to control, like driving Shinkansen. Some people can be a leader of the train.
We had four tickets. There are four groups can drive Shinkansen, and four groups can be the leader of the train. There is one ticket for us to drive Shinkansen in a machine. Just like that? No! There is another ticket for us to be the leader of the train. I chose driving Shinkansen. My sister can be the leader of the train.
The Shinkansen driving machine is very cool. It is like the real Shinkansen. I think driving Shinkansen is very hard. You need to know which time can speed up and which time can break. There are some difficulties. I chose the easiest one. There is a pro one. I think it will be very hard because I already think this is very hard.
After that, my sister needs to go to be a leader of a train. I think it is very hard, too. I was the customer. There are two seats. The people that sit there can see the leader of the train. You can see how hard it is.
The leader needs to say lots of things. The leader also needs to check if anybody wants to aboard. I think if that is me. I will have a bad score. My sister also chose the easiest mode. We think if we choose the harder mode, maybe lots of strange things will happen. There is also a very cool thing. You can buy lots of tickets with no money. Then you can put it inside the machine that is always at the subway station.
I think today I felt happy because today we went to a very cool museum. There are lots of things to do. I love the Shinkansen driving machine. It is very cool. You can even see what is outside. If your speed is fast. The trees will move back faster. I think this is good. I recommend to you. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月29日 星期二
Nagoya city best restaurant guide
Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell you which restaurant is the best. Are you excited? I am very excited. I forgot to tell you, this rank is only in Nagoya city. This is just a suggestion. You don't really need to eat them one by one. If you think the restaurants are not good, then I can't help you. In my scoring system, the max point is 7.
- Misokatsu 7 points. I love to eat the curry pork. I love the logo. I like that pig. That pig looks cute. It looks like my Squirtle
- Irori 7 points. I love the kids meal because there is a drink. After you drink it. You can wash the bottle. You can put snow inside. I also ate very fast.
- Wired Spice 6 points. The ice cream is good to eat. Do you know why I didn't give it 7 points? It is because when my sister and me almost finished eating the ice cream, there are some mango slices, jelly, cream, kiwis, and strawberries in the water.
- Museum Cafe 6 points. I love the Toyota Curry. This is a good curry. I recommend. My sister and my Dad ate premium curry. I think you can try. I didn't eat it before.
- 豚組 5 points. I love the Spanish Pork. You can eat Shabu Shabu. There are four sauces. You can taste them.
- Matsuya 5 points. I love the rice. There are some beef on the rice, but it is a little bit cold. This is why it only got 5 points.
- Cattleya 5 points. I love the curry. I ate very fast. If the juice is not orange juice. Maybe it will get 7 points. It can be apple juice or grape juice, but I still like mango juice.
- 中華料理 5 points. The rice is good to eat. The vegetables and the soup are very good. The only thing that needs to improve is I want to have a clean room. The walls can be cleaner.
- 三代目 4 points. I ate kid's lunch. It was yummy. The thing that needs to improve is the same as Cattleya. The juice is orange juice. Not good.
- Barbara Good Beer 4 points. We ate it after eating Wired Spice. My sister and me ate French fries. Dad and Mom ate noodles.
- 矢澤 3 points. It is yummy. There are two things needs to improve. The first thing is the juice. I think you know. The second thing is it is a little bit expensive.
- 蓬萊軒 2 points. The eel rice is much much better than other eel rice, but I don't like to eat eel rice.
- 味仙 2 points. The good thing is it is Taiwanese Food, but I think it is not. The vegetable is a little bit strange. Can improve.
- Cats cafe 1 point. I can say this restaurant tastes bad. The curry is not bad, but the juice is bad. When we are ordering, there are lots of problem.
I think this is a good ranking. I recommend you to eat the restaurant that have 4 points or more. If you don't like my ranking. Please do not say I am bad. Do you like my ranking? See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月28日 星期一
What I've learned today: don’t be too happy, you will be sad soon.
Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about that we went to a village. It is very cold. We wore lots of things. I think that is fun. We played snow. We made some snowballs. We didn't make snowman because it is too hard. I think the snow is very hard. I thought snow is soft.
We saw some people were making their own snowmans. Their snowmans are very good. We can't even make a snowman. Do you know how hard is it? I kicked some snow. I think maybe some people will know what will happen.
Do you know why I said if you are too happy, then bad things will let you feel sad? It is because when we were at hotel. My Mom saw my shoes were wet. I didn't feel wet, so I didn't know. I was happy, but the person who felt sad is my Mom.
We threw some snowballs and had fun. We also looked at the house that are in the village. We bought tickets and photos. Their kids are very good. They wrote a book. The book is in Japanese. I think they are smart. I want to be like that.
My Mom bought two umbrellas. Do you know why? Before I watched the television, I don't know this. When the weather is snowing. You need to use your umbrella. If you don't do that, then maybe your hat or head will be white.
Sometimes, the snow is soft. I will try to climb, but it is hard. When you step on it, then your feet will be deeper than the ground. I think it is very fun. When you throw a snowball at the flat soft ground. The snow ball will just gone.
We tried to make things with snow, but snow is easy to go away. You need to have a very big snow cube. You can make things. We are not good at it. Do you want to make things with snow? I want to make a beautiful snowman.
I think today I felt happy because today we went to a village with lots of snow. We made lots of snowballs. We were happy. We had fun there. We bought things. When my Dad used umbrella to hit the soft snow. The snow is easy to break. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月27日 星期日
What I've learned today: Concentrating is the most important thing to do things well and improve
Hi everybody. My name is Yu. Today I want to tell everybody about that today we went to a very cool park called Sea Train Land. I think it was fun. There are lots of machines about score. I was sad. I don't want score in game. I only like the score in the quiz.
We went on a big Ferris wheel. It takes 19 minutes. We also played lots of games. The best game is very fun. I think you will like it if I tell you how to play.
The first part is you will get a paper. There are four blanks. You need to find four places in the maze. In each little room. There will be three stamps. You need to stamp the right stamp on the right blank. We don't know how to speak Japanese. We don't know high one is the right one. In the first time. We were wrong. We corrected the answers. We got a coin.
You need to put the coin in the machine slot. You will get a card. It can be any cards. You can only play ten times. We played ten times. I think that is pretty many. We got ten cards each person. Ten plus ten equals twenty. I got two very good cards. In the tutorial, the card for the main character is weak. It's damage is 10. My best one is 120.
I improved. Do you know why? It is because my sister and me can find the right stamp very quick now. I think this is a good thing. We also went to play a game that is about shooting monsters. There will be some monsters. You need to use the gun to shoot them. If your score is over 20000 then you can get prizes.
My sister is very good at it. She got the prize. I didn't. I was sad. I want to get the prize. I improved a lot. The first time, my score was 5500. After some times, my score is more and more. The highest score is 15700. I was sad. I think you guys know how did I feel. The dragon is strong. I thought it was not important because it didn't give us points. When we shoot it. I felt sad.
I think today I felt happy because today we went to Sea Train Land. It was fun. We know how to improve now. You just need to concentrate. Everything will be good. I think this is a fun place. I forgot to tell you that we only bought two one day tickets. They are my sister and me. Sometimes Mom and Dad buy one time tickets like the Ferris Wheel. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月26日 星期六
What I've learned today in Science Museum: learning science and using tools are important.
Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that we went to lots of places. After eating lunch, we went to Nagoya City Science Museum. Let's know what happened and what I've learned from it.
There are lots of floors in the museum. The second floor and the third floor are the floors that can touch things and see things. We can also play some games. I think this is good. There are some photos that are very fun. When you look at it for a really long time. Maybe your eyes will think there is a line.
In the third floor, the thing that makes me unforgettable is a driving game. In this game you need to control lots of things you need to know which time can go fast and which time can go slow. I think this is also a good game.
In the fourth floor, there are lots of things about electricity. There is a machine that is about Binary Method. My sister and me are not the highest score, but we still did it in a very short time. I was happy. There are still more fun things.
Then we went to the sixth floor. We didn't go to the fifth floor because we need to go to the sixth floor to watch a movie about space. I was happy, but the bad god wants to take away my luck. I will tell you what happened next later.
The bad luck is I slept. When the man is talking, I slept on my seat. I was sad when I am leaving. The video is about planets and stars. There are lots of pictures on the sky called constellation. I don't think that is real, but I don't hate it.
After that, we went to the Pokémon Center. My Dad wants to buy the Jigglypuff's doll. The lucky god has come. We don't want to let Dad do it. Pokémon Center closed. If we came one minute before. Then the lucky god is gone.
I think today I felt happy because today we went to Nagoya City Science Museum. The machines are cool and fun. I think learning science and using tools are important. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月25日 星期五
Things that I learned in Toyota museum: knowing what are other people doing to be amazing
Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu. Today I am going to tell you about that we went to a museum called Toyota museum. We are happy. Let's know about the history of Toyota!
Sakichi Toyoda established a company called Toyoda. Maybe you will ask why the name is Toyoda, not Toyota? I will tell you in this blog soon.
When he was a little boy. He saw his mom spending a lot of time to get money by weaving. He thought that was bad. He wanted to help his mother and everybody, so he started to think about how to make a new machine. He made lots of kinds of machine. My favorite one is the auto one. He can make them because he saw how other people did. He wanted to improve. He improved and improved.
After he died. Kiichiro Toyoda becomes the president of Toyoda. He thought keeping making new machines is not the thing that people do in that time. He tried to make cars. He wanted to help Japan to grow. I think that is good. Then he also went to other countries. I think that is amazing. They can see how good are other people. They will just try to beat the people. I think this is a very good choice. He also changed the name of the company.
There are three reasons. I will tell you all. Let's see!
- Maybe when some people see Toyoda, they will think that is a small company because they will think that is just a person's name.
- Toyota is easier to say because da is a special sound. That is not easy to say.
- The Katakana of Toyota needs 8 steps to write. 8 means lucky and good things.
These are the reasons of why Toyoda changed name into Toyota. Do you know now? I think you know. I think this is very good to know. Next time, when your friend wants to ask you why Toyoda changed name. Then you have the answers. If they want to know why you know that. Then you need to say, 'It is because I read Yu's blog'. Maybe you don't really need to do that. Only if you love me.
When we were at Techoland. I played water gun. You need to shoot the spot that is red. My score was 50. I was very sad. I felt angry. I thought I will just lose, lose, and lose. I will never win. Do you know why? It is because the top score is 450. Now I still think I am not good at it.
I think today I felt happy because I learned lots of things. I want to do a thing very well and then be famous. Kiichiro Toyoda's car is famous now. Before, the cars are easy to break. You need to find why and then don't do that part. If that still doesn't work, then do it again. If you can do this. Then you can be famous. See you in next blog.
2019年1月24日 星期四
Today we went to Atsuta Jingu and going to Bic Camera
Hi! Everybody. My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about that we went to Atsuta Jingu and going to Bic Camera the second time. We already went one time the first day. I didn't tell everybody, so you don't need to check my blog. You just need to read my new blog and then subscribe my channel.
Today we went to Atsuta Jingu. There is a legend about a sword. The sword is in the Japan top three important weapons. I think that is pretty cool. The name of the sword is Kusanagi. You can pray. We didn't pray. After it, we went to a museum with lots of swords and pictures in it. I think that is pretty cool.
Then we went to eat lunch. It was delicious. I ate noodle, but there are more things that are more important. After eating the lunch. We went to the subway station. We took Meitetsu line to the battlefield where Imagawa Yoshimoto and Oda Nobunaga fight. They are both strong, but Oda Nobunaga is smarter. He won. I think he is strong. I want to be as smart as him. Do you want? I think so.
The most important thing is going to Bic Camera. This time I don't write very long because I am lazy, but I still need to write 25 lines, not sentences. It is very easy to write 25 sentences. The only hard thing is to use my hand to write. If I need to write 25 lines with my pen, then I will cry because do you know how long will it take? I think more than one hour.
We went to Bic Camera because my sister and me want to play a game that is inside Bic Camera. It is very big and expansive. If we buy it, we will be poor. Maybe we can't even take it. If we can't take it, that means it will just stay there. It is too big. That is like the machine that is always next to the elevator.
I think today I felt happy because today we did lots of things. We went to Atsuta Jingu and the battlefield. The most important thing is Bic Camera. I think this is enough. I think this cannot be better. This means today I love it. I think this is a good day. I can't have lots of videos, but you can still subscribe. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月23日 星期三
Today we went to Nagoya Castle and Pokémon Center
Today I want to tell everybody about that today we went to Nagoya Castle. It is very big. We walked for a long time to the entrance. It is a pretty long way. I was very tired. There are lots of things inside Nagoya Castle. There are also some stamps. During our Nagoya visit, the most important thing today is almost coming. I can't tell you now.
After visiting Nagoya Castle, we went to the restaurant. I ate a curry rice with some pork. I think that is delicious. You will like it. It is near Nagoya Castle. After that, we went to a store, but we didn't buy anything.
After eating the lunch, it is the most important thing today. I think you don't know, but I just wrote it on the title. I think only the people who read the title will know. It is going to Pokémon Center. We walked to the Pokémon Center.
I think the things that are in Pokémon Center are very cool. There are lots of things I want to buy. I bought a Squirtle. Its name is Aby. I think it is very cute. I don't know who is cuter. Is it Aby or my Squirtle? I don't know.
I think they are both the cutest Squirtles in the world. My sister bought a pillow. The picture that is on the pillow is Jigglypuff. Do you know my sister likes Jigglypuff? My mom bought some pencils. I think we still bought some things. I think that is amazing. I really think that is many.
My Dad always wants to buy a Jigglypuff doll because he wants to be the president of Jigglypuff's Country. He wants to have some votes. Only Jigglypuffs can vote. My sister will not like it because she is just the president. If my Dad bought Jigglypuffs, then my sister will not be elected as the president. We didn't buy Jigglypuff doll.
I think today I felt happy because today we went to Pokémon Center. I think that is the best place we went today. I think you can read my blog and know what is in Nagoya. I think you will learn. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月22日 星期二
Today we went to Nagoya
Hi! Everybody! My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today we went to Nagoya. I think going to other country is very fun. I like to watch movie on the airplane. Let's see what happens when we are going to Nagoya!
First we called a taxi to take us to High Speed Road station. We arrived to Taoyuan. In the Taoyuan HSR station. There is an MRT to Taoyuan International Airport. We didn't eat there because we think that is too early. Then we went on the airplane. It was Cathay Pacific. This is the first time I went on the airplane from them. I watched Cars 3 on the airplane. I didn't sleep because it only took 2 hours to land at Chubu Centrair International Airport. This was a fun trip.
When we are in Nagoya. We took our bags and luggages to a train. The train took a long time to go to the station near to our hotel. Then we walked to our hotel. This hotel is cool because it is at 15th floor. I think that is cool. This is the first time that I see a lobby of hotel that is not at the first floor. I think that is pretty cool. When I know that we will stay here at Nagoya for eleven days in my home, I was happy. I just said I love to go to other country. Do you know why? It is because I can learn things and sometimes play Pokémon Duel and Pokémon Shuffle. They are the game that can make everybody think.
I think tomorrow will be very tired because my mom said that we will walk a lot in Nagoya. When I know that. I was sad. I want to have trains or cars. I think that will be easier to move. I think the hotel that I stay in is good. I am now writing my blog. There is a store next to our hotel. We also went there to buy things.
I bought some French fries. I think it will be good to eat. We also bought our breakfast. We will eat all of them tomorrow. I think our Nagoya trip will be good. I think there will be lots of fun things. Are you excited?
I think today I felt happy because today we went to Nagoya. It is a very good place. We took a long time to go here. I think it takes about 8 hours or more. I think that is not a short time. Will you love my trip? See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月20日 星期日
《科學實驗王:1. 酸鹼中和》學習單 / Yu

1. 請從 179 頁開始複習到最後,把這場實驗大賽的過程看完,然後思考,如果是你去比賽的話,你會怎麼設計實驗步驟,並避開可能出錯的細節,順利的分離出砂石、鐵粉、食鹽、萘丸。(提示:能恢復結晶的,比還是溶液狀態的好喔。如果直接加熱乙醇會燒起來,那該怎麼辦呢?可以考慮上網搜尋「乙醇
萘 分離」喔。)
2. 請複習
106 到 113 頁,並整理出報紙擦玻璃比抹布好的幾個原因。越完整,分數會越高喔!
2019年1月19日 星期六
Minecraft: Survival mode 3
Hi everybody! My name is Yu. Today I want to play Survival mode. This is the third day I play Survival mode. I think Survival mode is fun. There are lots of YouTubers already played Survival mode for a long time. I want to have more then one hundred videos about Minecraft.
In this video. I dug. I got Redstone. I used TNT that I found in the boat to dig. I used Redstone torch to explode TNT. I didn't find any diamond when I am recording my video. Maybe you will ask why I have a Diamond. I think I already told you in my video. Now I will tell you again. I found a Chest. There is a Diamond inside. I took it because I love Diamonds.
Do you like me to play Survival mode? If you do. Please subscribe me. I want to have lots of subscribers. I think you will like to see my videos. What kind of videos do you like? I can do it if you want. Do you know why I didn't write blog for two days? It is because I am sick.
I think today I felt happy because today I played Minecraft in Survival mode. I think it is fun to dig holes underground. Please subscribe. See you in next video. Goodbye!
2019年1月16日 星期三
《科學實驗王:2. 牛頓運動定律》學習單 / Yu
嗨! 大家好,我叫 Yu,我今天完成了一張學習單,是爸爸出的,我很開心,也很有成就感,因為總共有五題,我覺得很多,當我完成的時候,我覺得已經結束了,但是還沒。
2019年1月15日 星期二
Minecraft: Surviving in Minecraft World 2
Hi, everyone! My name is Yu, and today I will tell you what happened in Minecraft today. There are lots of interesting things like killing Zombies. I think that is pretty scary. Every time I see Zombies. I feel bad. I really don't want to be dead. I think monsters are scary. Lots of people die in Survival mode because of monsters. Sometimes it's because you fall from a high place or you try to swim in the lava.
I want to tell you that monsters are easy to kill, but I think they are scary. Now I have a helmet, a chestplate, a legging, and a boot made of iron. I think I can try to defeat a Zombie in the water again. I think I will do it tomorrow. I will try to attack them. If there are more than one Zombie. Then I will not do it. I will only kill one Zombie each time. I will try to find diamonds or villages. I can steal some seeds. I can trade things with iron. I can't find emerald.
I think today I felt happy because today I played Minecraft in Survival mode. I think that is pretty fun. I can know how dangerous is this world if my difficulty is not peaceful. Lots of monsters. I need to be brave, but I still need to know monsters can kill me. I need to be careful. If you think my video is good. Remember to give it a like. If you want to know what I am going to do, please subscribe me. That is it. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月14日 星期一
Minecraft: Playing Survival Mode
I think looking at Zombies are scary. I think that is scarier than having a bad score. You can watch my video. If I died in Survival mode. I will cry. I will think I am funny. I need to know where did I died. Then I need to collect all of the things that I've earned last time. I think that is not a thing that will let people feel happy. I think everybody, including me, will just play again.
I think today I felt happy because today I played Survival mode in Minecraft. I think that is pretty cool. I want to have lots of this kind of video. I will have lots of video using Survival mode. That will be cool.
Do you think playing with Survival mode is fun? Do you want me to keep recording in Survival mode? Remember to subscribe me. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月13日 星期日
Minecraft: Zombie tower!
Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made a Zombie tower. Maybe you guys don't know what it is because before I make this tower, I don't know what is Zombie tower also. You can guess. I will tell you the answer right now. It is the tower that you can get Rotten Flesh. When you climb up the ladder. You can go inside the hole. The Zombies will spawn there. You need to be careful in Survival mode or you will be dead. You can go down after You spawned the Zombies.
I think it is pretty good. I think no one will want the Rotten Flesh, but sometimes the Zombies will have some armors.The armors that are on my body are from the tower. Now you know how important the tower is. It can give you weapons. The only thing that is dangerous is when you are going to spawn Zombie. Maybe the Zombie will just kill you. I think that is possible. You need to have a good diamond sword. There is another thing that is dangerous. It is when you are climbing down the ladder. Don't fall down!
I think today I felt happy because today I built a very cool tower called Zombie tower. I think it is pretty good. I want to have lots of good armors. See you in next video. Remember to subscribe me. Goodbye!
2019年1月12日 星期六
Minecraft: Witches VS Vindicators!
Today I want to tell everybody about the story of Witch VS Vindicator. Let's listen to the wonderful story.
One night, Nick is not at the Happy Village. When the monsters know that, they are super happy because the only thing that can protect villagers is Nick. Lots of monsters like Witches or Vindicators. They all want villagers.
When these two monsters come to the village. They all want to eat villagers. They don't want other to have villagers to eat. They fought. They want to hit each other. Do you know who will win?
The Vindicators used the axes to hit the Witches. The Witches just laughed. The Witches also threw the potion to the Vindicators. The battle becomes very cool. Nobody knows who will win.
The Vindicators killed lots of Witches. The Witches just laughed and laughed. Everyone doesn't know why. After a few hours, Vindicators won. Now Nick already came back. Who will win this time?
I think today I felt happy because today I told a story. I think the story is pretty good. Maybe you can say 'tell a story' in the bottom of the blog. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月11日 星期五
Minecraft: Skeleton VS Iron Golem
Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made a place where the animals fight. Skeletons are the bad guys. The Iron Golem wants to protect us. Then the battle starts. I think this story is good. I don't know how to say the story in the video. I can only say it to you right now. The Iron Golem is very strong. They can defeat all of the monsters. The Iron Golem is called Nick. Nick have some friends. They also helped Nick. Let's see who wins!
First, Skeletons are in the left cage. Iron Golems are in the right cage. When the doors opened. Nick said,"Let's attack!". Every Iron Golem rushes to the battlefield. They threw the Skeletons and hit them. The Skeletons tried to use Bows to hit Iron Golems. Nick called,"We almost win!". Every Iron Golem was happy. They are more powerful. They kick and hit. The Skeletons are weak. Nick is strong, so he threw them on the top of the wall of the battlefield.
I think today I felt happy because today I made a very cool battlefield. I summoned Skeletons and Iron Golems. I also told a story. I think the story is good. If you love my battlefield. Please subscribe me. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
我的 WMI 數學競賽成績
大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家公布我 WMI 數學競賽的成績,這個競賽是在 1 月份的,但是當時沒有寫到,於是今天我來補償,我得到的是金獎,我很開心,如果你得到好成績的話,你可以參加 WMI 培訓營,接著你可以參加一個 7 月份的營隊,結束之後,在同一個月就可以到日本參加比賽。
我覺得 WMI 的培訓營很棒,因為我學到了很多數學,而且我覺得那個培訓營很有趣,我希望你也可以考考看,它是免費報考,我推薦這個競賽給大家,你可以同時測驗自己的實力,也可以順便碰碰運氣。
我覺得今天我很開心因為我今天跟大家說我對 WMI 的培訓營與競賽的感想,我希望大家能夠參加,我推薦給大家,我希望你會喜歡,下一次的國際競賽在香港,那我們就在下一篇部落格見,掰掰。
2019年1月10日 星期四
Minecraft: Super TNT cannon!
Today I made a very cool Super TNT cannon. I think that is very cool. There are infinity fireballs. You just need a command block in each cannon. I think the cannon is good. I can put it on the Fort Zeelandia. I think it should be a really cool thing. Lots of fireballs will just shoot from the top of the castle. I can make lots of cannon. Then no one can come. They will be dead.
I am trying to make lots of cannons. I want to use the cannon to protect my house. If I have good Redstone. Maybe I can use Tripwire Hook to make a trap. When the thief wants to take my things when I am sleeping. I can put the Tripwire Hook in front of my door. No! I just use Iron Door and then put the Pressure Plate. It is too easy!
I want to use this to kill monsters like zombies. You need to do it at night. I think killing monsters are really fun. I will never kill animals again.
I think today I felt happy because today I made a super cannon. I think that is the coolest cannon I've seen. Do you want to see other cool things. What do you want to see? See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月9日 星期三
Minecraft: Super high speed road
Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made three very cool high speed roads. You don't need to press any button. You just need to go on to the Magenta Glazed Terracotta. It can teleport you. I think that is pretty cool. I love this thing. You just need to have four Command Blocks. Do you know what to write inside. You can watch my video. I showed everybody.
Do you know why I love to have videos? The answer is because I want subscribers. If I have subscribers, I will be happy. I think my house is amazing because I can control the whole city. I can control when did the road need to be fast. I want to turn off it. Then put some animals on it. Do you know what am I going to do . It is a very cool thing. I am going to dig a hole in front of the end of the road. The last thing to do is turn on. The animals will just fell in the hole. I think that will be fun.
I think today I felt happy because today I made three very fast roads. I think I could make a little country. I have another world that is for me and my sister. I like to do very cool things with Redstone or Command. I want to make other cool things to you. Remember to subscribe me. See you in next video. Goodbye!
2019年1月8日 星期二
Minecraft: I made a real elevator!
Today I made a really cool thing. Do you know what is it? It is Elevator. I really like the elevator that I made. I love them. If you think the same as me. You can subscribe me. You can also give my video a like. That will be good. I will be very happy. I am glad that now I have 70 subscribers. I want to have at least 100 subscribers in this year. The elevator I made is so simple. Everyone can make it. You don't need any Redstone. Easy but amazing. I think this is very good.
First, You need to get a Command block. You also need to make a little building. You will put the elevator inside. Then you need to get a button. Can you think about how to make it? You are smart. I can't tell you. You can watch my video. I didn't say how to make it, but you can see. There are two Command blocks. You need to use a word called teleport in these Command blocks.
I think today I felt happy because today I made a very cool elevator without Redstone. Maybe you will think Command blocks are a kind of Redstone. I don't think so. Maybe you think the button is a kind of Redstone. I think that is not wrong but only a little bit. Do you know what is the elevator using Redstone? That means you can go up with the pistons. My elevator is not. The thing that you can't forget is to subscribe. You must subscribe me. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月7日 星期一
《全面啟動》電影 學習單 / Yu
1. 《全面啟動》的英文片名,叫作 Inception,請問 inception 這個字的意思是什麼?在這部片子裡頭,又代表什麼?如果今天把片名改叫做 Dream in Dream in Dream,你覺得會更好嗎?為什麼?
Inception 的意思是植入或啟動,他們成立了很多層夢,就像在 Minecraft 成立世界一樣,雖然 Dream in Dream in Dream 也是很夢中夢中夢的意思,但是有太多一樣的字了,假如你在美國,想要看這一部電影,難道你要說:"I want to watch a movie called Dream in Dream in Dream."嗎?我覺得這樣講有一點奇怪,我覺得不會更好,因為說起來很奇怪。
2. 《全面啟動》是一部結構很複雜的電影,所以電影出來之後,很多人畫了圖,協助大家瞭解整個故事的結構。而資訊圖表有個新名詞,叫做 infographics,請你用「inception infographics」當作關鍵字,搜尋圖片,然後找一張你最喜歡的,最讓你看得懂的圖片,貼上來。
3. 承上題,請在你的 iPad 或電腦,顯示這張圖,然後錄影跟大家介紹吧!
4. 在 Inception 裡頭,團隊成員有 Cobb / Arthur / Ariadne / Eames / Yusuf / Saito,請問你最喜歡誰,為什麼?請用故事情節說明其個性,至少 3 行。
我喜歡 Ariadne 因為他很聰明,他第 2 次做夢就可以夢到將整個世界對折一半,但是結局是被 Cobb 的太太刺死了,她很會提議,她如果好奇的話,她就會直接去做,我喜歡她這樣做。
2019年1月6日 星期日
《漫畫大英百科:神話與傳說》學習單 / Yu
1. 神話與傳說,都跟「產生它的地點」有關,看了這麼多精彩的故事之後,請用你的
iPad,打開 Google 地圖,找到這些地方。看熟了之後,錄一段影片,從台灣出發,然後依序找到這些地方,並簡單說一下哪裡的神話主題吧。
英國(亞瑟王)/ 特洛伊與斯巴達(奧德修斯與特洛伊戰爭)/ 北歐(索爾與洛基)/ 韓國(麻姑奶奶)/ 日本(桃太郎)/ 柬埔寨(魔斧與魔球)/ 澳洲(長尾袋鼠與扁臉袋熊)/ 極地因紐特人(烏鴉)/ 迦納(蜘蛛神安納西)
2. 第 100 頁有提到一個詞,叫做「灰姑娘情節」,請讀懂內容後,想一想。並回答以下:請問「灰姑娘情結」是什麼意思?在你看過的《冰雪奇緣》中,你覺得
Elsa 跟 Anna 誰比較有灰姑娘情節?而迪士尼想藉由《冰雪奇緣》的故事,告訴你什麼呢?
灰姑娘情節的意思就是一個女生要跟一個男生才會幸福,但是有可能就會跟冰雪奇緣裡的 Anna 一樣,不小心跟一個壞王子結婚了,我覺得冰雪奇緣的 Anna 比較有灰姑娘情節,因為他需要那位壞王子的保護,迪士尼想要藉由冰雪奇緣跟我們說如果你有能力,像 Elsa 的話就要用它來過自己的生活,有家人當然也很好,只是不要以為一定要有別人才能幸福,自己要可以生存。
2019年1月5日 星期六
The score of T&AMC
Today I want to tell everybody my score of T&AMC. I was happy because I got 100 on my exam. I am happy but I know I can't be proud. If I am proud, then the next time I can't get this score. Everybody can't be proud. Be proud is a very bad thing. Other people will just hate you. Other people will just work hard, and you will just be proud and think you can get high score everytime. You don't keep reading books. If you do that, then next time, you can't get good score.
I want to get 100 on my quiz everytime. I think that is not impossible. I can do it if I work hard. I really want to get this score again. I think I can get this score is because the questions are not hard. Do you know why? I think the answer is there are 18 people get the first place. I think that is a little bit crazy. I don't know why. If the questions are too hard like Olympics. It needs to use a lot of times to think. There was a really hard question that I don't know. I almost cry, but I know crying is bad.
I think I will not get a good score in Olympics. I think nobody can know the answer. I used about 20 minutes to think that question. I just guess a number. I want to be the first place. I can't be the first place. The good thing is I know what is other question is about. I hope I can get lots of points from other question. That question can be 10 points. If I guess wrong, maybe I can't get a good score. Olympics is so hard. When the teacher said time's up, I was scared. When we go home, I cried. I don't like to see the question that I don't know.
It is very hard to get first place. I did it because I read books. I think everybody can do it if they want to do. I want to get good score so I read books. I also like Minecraft so I watch other people's video. I recommend Kouki. He is a good person. He plays interesting things with his friends. He has lots of friends. I also like to code. I always want to make cool things, but I think the things that I make is not good. I don't know why I can't make the mod that Kouki plays?
I think today I felt happy because today I got a good score. I know it is good, but don't be proud. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月4日 星期五
Minecraft: I crafted lots of things with compounds!
Today I crafted lots of interesting things with compounds. I crafted Heat Block and lots of things. I think that is really fun. In survival mode, I don't know if you can craft the compounds. I think you can't. I think in school, teacher will use Education Edition, so the students can know a lot about compounds. I think that is hard. My Dad said: "That is the thing that you need to learn in junior high school."
Guess what it means. The answer is there. That means I have lots of times to practice compounds. Do you know how to learn compounds? Use Minecraft. Minecraft is an excellent game to learn. There are infinite possibilities in Minecraft. You can make almost everything in Minecraft. The things that can't be made in Minecraft is some shapes. Minecraft can only have squares. You can find infinite squares in every Minecraft world. Do you know even a clock can be made from lots of squares. It is really impossible to find the things that can't be made of squares in Minecraft.
I think today I felt happy because today I crafted lots of interesting things with my compounds. Now I know a way to get compounds. You need to use Element Constructor. Try it. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月3日 星期四
Minecraft: Crafting with compounds!
Today I want to tell everybody about that today I crafted lots of things with compounds. I think that is pretty fun. I love new things. Do you know why I can have those things that don't exist in the normal Bedrock Edition? If you want to get them. I think that is pretty easy. You just need to edit your world. Be Education Edition. There will be also some blocks that are special. If you want to get them. You need to craft them. You can't find it in Creative mode. I think crafting is fun, but it is really tired. I need to remember lots of things.
If you watch my video, remember to subscribe me in YouTube. I want more subscribers. I want to have at least ten subscribers in this year. I want to have at least one hundred subscribers in next year. I think that is not impossible. I think I can do it if I work really hard. If I couldn't, do you know what it means? That means I am not good. If I couldn't do it. I will feel sad. So please help me. The only thing that you need to do is subscribe me. You don't need to pay.
I think today I felt happy because today I crafted lots of things with compounds. I love it. It is not the same as the normal crafting. I can say that is different. You will know why I like to craft with compounds. See you in next blog. Goodbye!
2019年1月2日 星期三
鄭荷之戰 歷史素養 學習單 / Yu
1. 《1661 國姓來襲》這本書,與一般的觀念不同。一般中華民國的教育,是尊敬鄭成功,認為他是中國人或漢人的身份,忠誠於明朝、趕走外國人很棒。但這本書卻是以荷蘭人尤其揆一的角度來看。你喜歡這樣用不同角度去看歷史嗎?為什麼?(至少 5 行)
2. 因為採取了不同的立場,作為漫畫,在外型的設定上,也要有對應的設計。請畫出本書的揆一與鄭成功的造型,並說明,他們的造型,分別賦予他們怎樣的個性?(一張圖畫兩個人,揆一與鄭成功各三行文字介紹。)
3. 歷史的演進,往往跟氣候、地理、地球科學有關。請問,鄭成功能夠順利從鹿耳門水道通過,是因為他作了哪些準備,掌握哪些知識?(提示:第 36 頁開始。至少 3 行。)
4. 同樣的,歷史的走向,跟地理往往有關。請問,鄭成功能打下熱蘭遮城,是因為誰的叛變?提供了怎樣的資訊?然後鄭成功怎麼順利讓戰局突破平衡,逼揆一選擇投降?請描述人名、地理狀況,並從網路下載或書籍掃描,找一張圖片作標示與解說。(請附一張說明圖,並提供至少 5 行說明。)
5. 漫畫的最後一部份,講到台灣的命運。最後一頁,更畫出了蔣介石。請掃描該頁,並放上來。然後說明作者畫的蔣介石有什麼特色?他想要借由這樣的形象,暗示你什麼?(請附一張掃描圖,並提供至少 3 行說明。)
6. 請根據《被誤解的臺灣古地圖》p 155-157 以及 p 166-167 圖片介紹,瞭解熱蘭遮城真正的構造後,用 Minecraft 製造一座你自己的熱蘭遮城,要有地形高低、稜堡、附城以及烏特勒支堡喔,越詳細的話,就能得到越高分喔!(錄製影片介紹,寫成另一篇部落格。下方則嵌入影片,以及該篇部落格連結。)
Minecraft: Fort Zeelandia and Fort Utrecht
Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made Fort Zeelandia and Fort Utrecht. I love them. I used an hour to make them. I think they were very big, but my Dad said it can be bigger, so I did it. You can see the pictures that I take. I think they are pretty good. Do you love the pictures?
I think the Fort Zeelandia and Fort Utrecht are really good. I added a river around the Fort Utrecht, but I can still jump from outside to inside. Maybe I will make the river wider. Did you see the big cannon made of iron block? I think you will ask what will it shoot. It will shoot lots of water. The water will just flush the enemies away. I think that is pretty good. If you know how to speak Mandarin. You can see my worksheet. It is in Chinese. I hope you can read it.
I think today I felt happy because today I finished making my Fort Zeelandia. I think that was a really hard thing to do. I love it. If you like my video, remember to subscribe me in YouTube. I want to have more subscribers. Now I only have 5 subscribers, but I am still happy because I think it is better than no YouTube account. Every time I open Gmail. I want to have a new subscriber. See you in next blog. Goodbye!