2019年1月31日 星期四

LEGOLand: time control is very important

Hi, everybody! My name is Yu, and today I want to tell everybody about that we went to Legoland. I think it is very fun. I want to play it again. I will tell you what is the best thing. There are lots of sculptures made of Lego. I think they are pretty cool. I want to make things like that. Let's begin!

We woke up at hotel. Then we went to eat breakfast. It was very good. After eating the breakfast, we went to Legoland. It is a good place. When I saw it. I thought that is a wonderful playground. There are lots of things to play. The thing that makes me feel scared is The Dragon. It is a roller coaster!

My Dad thought that is not. He said, 'It is not a roller coaster. Don't be scared.' I don't think so. My sister and me were scared. We think it is roller coaster. We think maybe we will be sick. My Dad wanted to play. When we were at the station. I felt scared. I don't want to be dead in this land.

After few minutes. We went on the train. First, we can't see outside. You are in a tunnel. The tunnel is big. There are some cool things made of Lego. It is not just a sculpture. They can move. It is not scary. However, when I saw the train track that is going up, I was sad. I also felt a little bit angry because my Dad said that is not roller coaster.

The train goes up and down. It was fast. The wind is big. Sometimes the train goes so fast in different directions. I think that is crazy. I said I don't like it on the train. When the train comes back to the station. I was scared. You will ask why. It is because I thought maybe the train will go again.

The coolest thing is not that. The coolest thing is called Make A Boat. There is a place to make your own boat. There will be lots of normal boats. There is nothing on the normal boat. You can use Lego blocks to decorate it.

There is also four lines which the boats can go. If your boat doesn't break. Then you win. Try not to overturn. The water is big. The water will push your boat away. I was wet. I played it for about three hours. At last, my sister and me was surprised. The normal boat can float. It will not break or overturn.

I made a boat that doesn't overthrow, but not all the time. It overthrew one time. It is when we were leaving. It overthrew. I was sad. There are lots of rooms in my boat. There are water inside. There are also some holes. When it is moving. It can collect the water. The water will let the boat be heavier. Now I know why my boat will overthrew. It is because a block just fell off from my boat. If it didn't happened, then maybe my boat will be great. We didn't try again because the time is too late. We need to eat dinner.

I think today I felt happy because today I made boats. Tomorrow is the last day. I am very sad. I want to play in Legoland. It is too fun. Do you want to play now? I want to play. I want to make boats. We can't play water because we need to go onto the airplane. See you in Taiwan! Goodbye!