2018年7月13日 星期五

Today we went to America

Today I want to tell everybody about that today we went to America to travel, and I was very excited, I love travelling, travelling makes me happy, but there is a thing that I don't like, you need to wait for a long time to go to America.

There are no airplane to go to Boston directly from Taiwan, so we went to Tokyo first, then there is an airplane to go to Boston, and it is Japan Airlines, that is the second time I sit in Japan Airlines, because we sit Japan Airline when we went to Tokyo.

When the airplane is almost landing in Narita airport, I took a picture with the land that is in Tokyo, that was very beautiful, I took three pictures, and they were all very beautiful, the second picture I took is the prettiest.

I love to sleep in the airplane, because if I am not sleeping in the airplane, I will have headache, and very hurt, do you know why? I don't know why so I ask you, if you don't know, that's fine, if you know, that is really good.

I think today I felt happy, because today we went to America, and that was a great time, that is very hard to forget this day, and I tell you that today is 36 hours.