2018年7月26日 星期四

Empire State Building: the tallest building at that time

Today I want to tell everybody about that today we went to Empire State Building, I am not from America, so I can't speak English very well, but I try to speak, but when I was little, I don't know what is the Mandarin of Empire State Building.

I don't know the Mandarin, but I know this word, do you know why? It is because my English teacher taught me in the winter vacation, but my English teacher didn't teach Mandarin, so I don't know the Mandarin of Empire State Building.

That is a tall building in New York City, but that is not the tallest building in New York City, the tallest one in New York City is One World Trade Center, but One World Trade Center is not the tallest building in the world.

Let's guess what is the tallest building in the world, anyone think it will be Taipei 101? Maybe you will think it is the Tokyo Tower, but you are wrong, it is the Burj Khalifa, it is 2716.5 feet, I know it, it is not because my Dad told me or Goggle.

Let's guess who told me Burj Khalifa, do you think someone told me? Maybe you will think my Mom told me, or maybe I watched TV, so I know, then you are wrong, it is because my English teacher taught me, so I know.

I think today I felt happy, because today we went to the tower that is very very tall, I felt surprised when I know there are 102 floors in this tower, that is higher than Taipei 101, only higher one floor.