2018年12月10日 星期一

Minecraft: I made lots of TNTs

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made lots of TNTs. Do you know how many? The answer is ten thousand TNTs. I think it is pretty a lot. You just need to put a stone on the ground. There will be ten thousand TNTs. You can put ten stones. That will make one hundred thousand TNTs.

You need to wait for a really long time to let it finish. There are too many TNTs. Lots of TNTs will fly in the air and then landed to the ground. They will explode on the ground. Do you know why I love this? It is because I want to see the Bedrocks. In Survival mode. There are three things that can't be destroy.The first one is Bedrock. It can be find under the ground. You can also find it in the top of The Nether, under The Nether and in The End. You could find some Bedrocks, too.

The second one will be Barrier. You can't see Barrier if you are not taking Barrier. You can only get barrier in creative mode. It is a really good thing. It can be the roof. The third one will be Command Block. You can write command in it. Maybe you will think air block is also a block that cannot be destroyed.

I think today I felt happy because today I made lots of TNTs. It is really good when you are looking at the TNT in creative mode. See you in next blog. Goodbye!