2018年12月1日 星期六

Minecraft: I made a really long train track!

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made a really long train track. You need to use 50 seconds to go to the end of the train track. I think 50 seconds are a lot. I summoned Ender Dragon, but it destroyed my things. I will not summon Ender Dragon anymore. I hate the Ender Dragon. It will be really hurt if you jump down from the train track.

I think I will make lots of stations, so everybody can go everywhere that they want. My Mom said that if traffic is really good, there will be lots of visitors from every country to come to your city. I didn't make other things like houses or some cool things because I think traffic is the most important thing. Lots of people lost their life because of traffic accidents. I want to have lots of visitors.

I think today I am happy because I made a really long train track. It is really long. I am proud of myself. I want to let everybody know this long track. I think making a long track is hard because you need to use lots of time to think about what kind of rail do you need to use. I will beautify it because my train station is empty, and there are no walls. See you next blog, bye bye.