2018年12月9日 星期日

Today we went to watch a Pokemon movie: The Power of Us

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I and my family went to watch a really good Pokemon movie called The Power of Us. It was in Tiger City. I think it was a wonderful movie because I cried a little bit. I think after you finish watching the movie. You will cry.

This story is about Wind Festival. Every year Lugia will give the town some wind, so they can do the things that they want. Lugia also brings water to put out the forest fire. There was a really big forest fire. Lots of Pokemons hurts, Zeraora saves the Pokemon. It is a really strong Pokemon. Everybody wants to catch it. Everybody did bad things to the forest like catching Pokemons. Zeraora is really angry, so it tries to defeat human.

I love all of the Pokemon. I love every Pokemon. I think Zeraora and Lugia are really strong. There are lots of new characters in the movie. They are all people. The Pokemon are the old ones. I think there will not be new Pokemons in the movie. The newest Pokemons are Meltan and Melmetal. 

I think everybody is excited about the new Pokemon. I don't know which one will be the next Pokemon. I really want to have more Pokemons. In this movie. The town is being really bad. Lots of bad things happens. I think that town is a little bit strange because there are many bad things happened.

I think today I felt happy because today I and my family went to Tiger City and watch a really good Pokemon movie called: The Power of Us. I want to see other Pokemon movies. Every time when I watch Pokemon movie. I will just be really happy. See you in next blog. Goodbye!