2018年12月2日 星期日

I went to 2018 Maker Party

Today I want to tell everybody about that today my family and me went to Maker Party in Taipei! I was happy about that. First we went to the HSR station. We went to Taipei. We used about 50 minutes. I slept on the HSR. We took a train from Taipei Main Station to Yuanshan station. Maker Party is there. We ran to the venue. There are lots of booths. We can play lots of things and have fun.

The first booth we went to is making little dinosaur. If you put it under the sun, it will move. I think that is the coolest thing that I've made. Then we went to a booth called electronic block. You can build them up to be a bigger thing. I think that is also really fun, too. The teacher teaches us how to make buttons or some alarms. If you go to this booth. You can get a set of blocks. You can make tops. I just made it.

After we played electronic block. We went to a booth that needed us to make lots of wonderful things. The first thing we made is a little truck. There were lots of woods, and you need to stick them together to be a little truck. I think that is not bad. Then there is another thing that is called 3D printing pen. You can draw it, and make it be 3D. I didn't play it. My Dad and my sister played it. They all made ice flakes. My Dad's ice flake is really funny. My sister's ice flake is better than my Dad's ice flake, but now, they are all broken.

Then I went to coding booth. I was so so happy. I didn't get the prizes, but I am still happy. There was a robot competition. You need to let the robot called Dash to finish the missions. I think that was not easy. I am the top three in the first competition. I was in the final competition. There will only be two people to have the prizes. I am not the top two people in the final competition, so I didn't get my prizes.

I think today I felt happy because today we went to Taipei. I think Maker Party is really fun. I love it, but I know that it is a little bit too far away from Taichung. I recommend everybody to visit it. See you in next blog. Goodbye!