2018年12月13日 星期四

Minecraft: I made an auto door

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I made a really cool thing. Do you know what is it? I think you must know, because I just say it in the title. It is an auto door. I also made a really cool thing and it is a door that you can't go through. You can only go to the other side if you pull the lever.

If you want to make it. You need to know about Redstone Torch. I think it is really interesting. The normal Redstone is if you don't do anything, the Piston will not move. If you put a Redstone torch. I think everybody knows that the Piston will move. If you pull the lever or let the Redstone Circuits work. The piston will not move. You can think about how to use this to make a auto door. Maybe your auto door is more then 3*3. That will be better than me.

The door that can only go in if you pull the lever is also a little bit hard. Maybe you will think it is just an Iron Door. No! You can see what is in front of you. That needs to use fence gate. Think about it.

I think today I felt happy because today I played Minecraft. I made two thing that needs Redstone. I think they are a little bit hard. See you in next blog.