2019年7月27日 星期六

Yu's Japan Trip 3: Fish

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu. Today I want to tell everybody about that today we went to Lake Tazawa. We fed the fish and I felt happy. When I throw a lot of food, lots of fish will jump up. The sight is very good. I love it.

In the morning we woke up early and went to the breakfast restaurant. The breakfast is pretty good.

Then we went to our first stop which is the Lake Tazawa. It is the deepest lake in Japan.

There are some fish in the lake. We bought a pack of fish food. I think feeding fish is fun.

When you throw a lot of food like 5 to 10 pieces, lots of fish will come and eat them. There will be some bubbles and I think it is cool.

We also played throwing stone. You need to try to throw the stone. Try to let the stone bounce in the water.

We also went on a little little train, but it is not as small as a toy train. It has two cars.

The front car is orange. The second car is blue. We went to the front of the orange car and watch the sight.

There are some level crossings. Sometimes, I can see some cars.

I think today I felt happy because today we went to Lake Tazawa. We fed the fish and threw the stone. I think the train is really cool. The sight is cool. The rail is really beautiful. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!