2019年7月29日 星期一

Yu's Japan trip 5: Hello TAIWAN!

Hi, everybody my name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody about that today we went back to Taiwan. That means we leaved Japan.

In the morning, we woke up early and go to our first stop which is the tax free shop. I bought a bag of tiramisu candies.

Then we went on a boat that goes around Matsushimaya. There is a haiku called Matsushimaya.


Matsushimaya ah ah.

The end

After that, we went to the Sendai Mitsui Outlet. We took a ride on the Ferris wheel. It is the only Ferris wheel in Sendai so it says it is the biggest Ferris wheel in Sendai. I think that is funny.

Then we went to the airport. The airport is not so big but it is a lot bigger than Aomori Airport.

The plane we took is a small plane and there is a Gudetama on the plane. Even the pillow has Gudetama on it.

Soon, we went back to our home. 

I think today I felt happy because today we went to lots of places. We also went back to Taiwan which is our home. Tomorrow is going to be a nice day. See you in the next blog. Bye bye to Japan and everybody who reads the blog!