2019年7月20日 星期六

Yu's London diary 24: Bye! London!

Hi, everybody! My name is Yu. Today I'm going to tell me everyone about that today is the last day in London because we are going to go back to Taiwan.

Today is the day we stayed at home all day and maybe 'whole day' is wrong because we also went out to buy some food. But we stayed at home for a really really long time today so I think today is a really really really really really really really special day.

In the 20 days, lots of fun things and cool things happened. We also went to lots of places so I felt happy and when we go back to Taiwan, I might use Scratch to make a short video about the London trip because I love this London trip.

Now I change my mind. Before we went to London, my favorite cartoon was Pokémon but now I change my mind. Now my favorite cartoon is Peppa Pig because I think George is really cute but sometimes he will cry out loud and make some mess but he is cute.

Do you know how much I like Peppa Pig? I read books about it in the bookstore and when Mom tell me to read a book, I will keep reading my Peppa Pig books because I love Peppa Pig and George's sound is cute. I like George.

I think I will watch Peppa Pig on the plane to Taiwan so now I need to download them because I might forget in the future so I just did it.

I think today I felt a little bit sad because we are going to leave London soon and I feel a little bit sad. I want to keep knowing new things in London but we already been to the most important things in London and when we are in Taiwan in the future, maybe we can build up Lego and do the things that we can't do in London. See you guys in the next blog. Bye bye to you and London!