2018年9月5日 星期三

Today I finished reading a book about space and it taught Math, too

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I finished reading a book about Math, and it is about space, not just space, it will tell you what your job is, and what you need to know, and if you didn't know the answer, don't see the answer, there is a page that is in front of the answer page, and it will write how to do it, then you can easily know the answer, and I think that page it really good, if you don't need to see the answer to know why, you can use it, it helped me before, I don't know the answer, I saw it, then I know how to do it, and it is much easier, I think that is really useful.

If you have a thing that is really useful, you can use it very well, and you won't destroy the thing, and I won't pick out the paper, so you know, everybody will love the things that is really useful, and I know you will think the same as me, and if you destroy the thing that is useful, then you can't do the thing that the thing can help you do, if I destroy it, I can't have a hint to answer the questions, so this told us, you can't destroy things that is useful, and if you do, that is a little bit silly, because if you do, you can't do things that you need it to do, so you need to remember this.

Inside the book, there is a story and if you want to know the story, you need to read the whole book, because maybe 1 part is in page 1, and another part is in page 3, and when you need to turn to the next page, you need to read the story, and you need to answer the Math questions, that are not hard, but you still need to check again, if you don't have any wrong answers, that would be great, and do you know the people that make this book are very smart, because this book is for lower grade children to read, and they changed 2953 to 29, that is great, and that is it.

See you next blog, and hope you like the blog, and you can share this blog to everybody, goodbye!