2018年9月9日 星期日

Today is a huge huge huge raining day.

Today I want to tell everybody about that today is a raining day, and it is happening in the afternoon, it is very big and it is bigger than what you think, lots of lightnings, and I want to tell you that this storm will finish in 7 o'clock and, that is really much time, I don't want it is raining right now, because now we can't go outside, and I think that is quite bad, but I love raining days when we are outside, because we can play water, but if we always stay outside, my hair will be gone.

I have one thing to say sorry to you, I can't make a video today, because I want to write lots of lines in this blog, and I hope you love it, do you like me to make a video or write lots of lines, and make the blog be better, I know maybe you love me to make some video, but I can't make video every time, because I am just like a YouTuber, they don't make videos everyday, because sometimes they need to work, so this is why, and I will try to have lots of videos, and sorry for that.

At night, we went to eat a Pokémon restaurant, and unfortunately, the Pokémon restaurant is not there now, and then we went to eat curry, when we are going to the Metro station, the rain was really big, and when I was in umbrella, I still feel water hitting me, and that was a big rain, but when we are coming back, the rain is a lot smaller, and I was surprised, because the rain is so mysterious.

I think today I felt happy, because today is a raining day, sometimes I love raining days, but sometimes I don't love raining days, raining days are really special, not good and not bad I don't know how good it is or how bad it is, I just know if it is special, this blog is still good even I don't put video on it, so see you next blog, goodbye.