2018年9月23日 星期日

Today I made a game from Scratch: Venusaur vs Mega Gengar

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I finished making a little game called Venusaur vs Mega Gengar, and I think it is really good, if you don't know how to play it, you can just read the instruction, so you can play the game really easy, and click W to show everything, but there is a Scyther and a Scizor, but now you don't need to use them, so you can click the flag to hide them, then you can get started to play, first you will see Professor Oak, and if you click him, you will know how to use Solar Beam, and you can know it in instruction, too, and now you know if you read the instruction, you can know lots of things about the game.

And when you beat Mega Gengar, you can't catch it, because if I add this mode, there will become a big big bug, everyone doesn't like bug, so I don't like it, either, if it is a good game but there are lots of bugs, and they make you can't play this game, will you think bug is a good thing? This can be today's question, and sorry about that yesterday I didn't write blog, because I was making this little game, and I think making game is a lot of fun, so if you do think the same as me, remember to comment under this game, and if you have question you can ask under this project, and I think this is the best free app to make your own video or little game, I recommend to you.

And one thing makes me surprised,and it is Scratch is made by MIT, and it is Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and it is a really good university, and I don't know that a university can make a good good app, and I think if I can, I will be in this good good university, and then I can make a good app, so everybody in this world can use this app, but I still need to work really hard, so I will do it if I can do it, what do you think? Do you think I can do it? Everybody wants to do it, then I will do it.

Maybe I can try to use Scratch to make another Scratch, so the Scratch is made from the real Scratch, and then there will be another Scratch, and in the future, I don't know what will people make, maybe we can make a safe thing to go everywhere, and maybe it can be really fast, but it is safe.

I think today I felt happy, because today I made a small game, and hope you love this game, and that is it, remember to answer the question, and see you in next blog, goodbye.

Play this game @ Scratch