2018年8月28日 星期二

A book about Math, spring elementary school society day

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I finished reading a book, and I think that is a good book, too. The name of the book will be spring elementary society day, and it is about unit, this is an important thing, because if you say 1 foot, and another person says 1 km, which one is longer? You need to change them into the same unit, so then you can easily know which one is longer or shorter. Which one is bigger or smaller?

I will ask some questions, and we can answer together, think together, and it is really good if you know the answer before I tell you, and I want to get started. And I think I will ask you one question, that is really good, because if I ask you too many questions, then you will think the questions are really bothering, but if I only ask one question, you will think the question is very interesting, and you will ask your friends to see my Blogger, then I can be more famous.

The question is if a sports car run 1 km in one hour, how many m (meter) can it runs in one hour, and you know one km equals 1000 m, so you can change the unit, maybe you know the answer, then if the question changes to one hour 2 km, it will be the same but you need to make the 1000 to be 2000, and now you know the answer, and it is 1000, is that easy?

I think today I felt happy, because today I finished reading the book that is about Math, and now I know more about Math, and I love it. Everybody sees my Blogger know that I love to finish one thing, so I finished reading the book is good.