2018年8月23日 星期四

I finished another book today

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I finished my another exercise book, and I was very very happy, because I finished the exercise book, I love the time when I finished an exercise book, and it feels good, everyone loves to finish their thing that they want to do, and I love the way when I finished the thing I want to finish, too, if you think the same with me, I know you are my fan, because I always say that, just like my grandpa, he is good, he always reads my Blogger. And the most important thing is he remembers lots of things in my Blogger, really nice.

Yesterday I wrote nineteen pages in the exercise book, and read Mandarin Newspaper. In the paper, it teaches me some knowledge that I don't know, lots of good stories. I love it, it is really great, and I saw a story inside, a person uses Lego and some things like paper to make a Braille printer. And it is very cool, I don't know what was it when I didn't read it, but now I know.

I learned lots of things in it, I think that is great. And do you know I really love everybody that reads my Blogger? If you read my Blogger, it is really good. And thank for supporting me, I won't forget you. I want me to be very famous, then my parents will say I am good, then I will feel better. And I can learn English, too, that is very good, I want to have good English to talk to everybody. Then be in good university, this is my dream, do you think I can complete my dream? I will try.

I think today I felt happy because I finished the exercise book that I want to finish, and do you know that I love to finish exercise books, any exercise book, I just like to finish something, I love to build up Lego, so I have a dream to build up a cool thing with Lego, and I don't know which thing I am going to make.