2018年8月11日 星期六

Today I only wrote a little bit, because they are hard

Today I want to tell everybody about that today I didn't scared my Dad, because today I didn't finished the book, so I didn't complete the dream, and I was really sad, because I want me finish it faster and faster, I will try to finish it soon, so see how much can I do.

This is much much harder than what did yesterday I write, this not the same level, it is much much harder, I can't believe it, it is almost becoming two,books, one is easy, and one is super super hard, I can't believe. if I can finish it tomorrow that is the best way, but I think that is impossible

I think finish it in three days is impossible, but if you try, maybe you can do it, and have a good award, this is very hard, I learned how to know the answer, how can I know the answer, they are all in this book, this is the best book, it is really good, excellent, but it is a little bit harder.

I don't know why it can hard like this, it is very strange, I really want to finish it faster and faster, and I want to be the fastest, I really want to be very very fast, but O can't do it, I don't need to make it be hard, so than I can do it faster and faster, so don't just think, you need to do it.

I think today I felt happy. because today I still did some work, I didn't do good job, but I still learned lots of things, that was a great thing to help me learn math, and that was the best one, and I will try other one, then know more things, and complete my dream.

This is the dream I want, I write exercise books to learn things then go to good university, then go to good company, then have my own life, and I want to say thank you to my parents, if you read my Blogger, you already know this.