2019年10月31日 星期四

How to win easily using Lesley

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to introduce the strongest marksman in Mobile Legends Bang Bang which is Lesley. It can kill a person in a very very short time but there must be a tank in front of her.

My father uses Grock because Grock is a very strong tank. It is already super strong in the early game compared to other tanks. Its first skill is already very strong. It deals a lot of damage.

When a tank and a Lesley go together, it is super strong. In the early game, Grock and Lesley will clean up the minions first. Then, Grock and Lesley will defeat the green buff at the right-back side, but you can't use the Retribution yet.

If you have time, then take the purple buff, remember your Retribution. That is very important. When you're fighting, please kill one first then kill another one.

I hope you guys like Lesley. She is a character that can kill more than 20 people in a match. The most important thing is still the tank. The tank must protect Lesley.

You can tell me if you have a better tank or fighter to go with Lesley. I can try to improve my skills.

I think today I felt happy because today I introduced how to play a Lesley. That is a pretty important thing. I hope this can help you. If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

2019年10月29日 星期二

Playing Mobile Legends with Dad and Sister

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today my dad, me, and my sister played Mobile Legends together. I died one time but I got the MVP and I don't know why. I recommend this game to everybody.

The Hero I use is Lesley. She is a very strong marksman because her first skill is so strong. It can let her move very fast and she can have a critical hit once when she is using the skill.

The second skill doesn't deal a lot of damage but it is very useful when you are escaping. You use it so you will be knocked back but the enemy will also be knocked back.

The Ulti is to shoot the enemy from a long-range. It is useful when chasing an enemy. When your level is around 13, your Ulti can kill a person that has HP that is lower than 1000, but people can block it if they have a tanky person with a lot of HP.

You can have a critical hit in 3 ways. The first one is chance. You can get a critical hit once you hit a few times. The second one is passive. You can get a critical hit every 5 seconds if you don't attack. The last one is using the first skill. It makes the next hit critical.

I recommend this game because you can use a lot of cool tricks to win. If you are a new player, you can play V.S. AI first because CPUs are not so strong. That helps you to improve your skills.

I think today I felt very happy because today we played Mobile Legends Bang Bang and that is super fun. Dad says I need to write a lot of pages so I can play. Tomorrow I need to write a lot of pages! If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家說一件非常好消息,我終於做完我的豪棒棒教學影片了,我希望你會喜歡。


2019年10月27日 星期日

The Halloween Party

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody about that yesterday was the Halloween party at my English class. The party was fun and I got some candies and a Pokemon card but it is written in Chinese so I don't know if you can read so I put the English card below.

That is the PTCG card. Lots of people trying to collect those cards. I don't play it but I think that it is pretty cool so I didn't give it to other people.

I think today I felt happy because yesterday was the Halloween party and we had fun so I think that the party is not bad. We went some candies and they were yummy.

2019年10月24日 星期四

Trick Or Treat Song

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I made a Trick Or Treat Song and I am happy. Tomorrow is the Halloween Party in my English class and I think it will be fun.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a Trick Or Treat Song and I think it is good. See you guys in the next blog! bye-bye!

選總統大富翁 2.0 版

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹選總統大富翁 2.0 版,大家可能會很訝異因為大家可能不知道為什麼會有 2.0 版,其實是因為上一支影片沒有錄得很好所以我們就重錄,我也加了柯P與郭董兩個角色。

我覺得我今天很開心因為選總統大富翁 2.0 版終於出了,終於可以跟好多家人一起玩了!那我們就在下一篇部落格見囉!掰掰!

2019年10月23日 星期三


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家 introduce 我跟 sister 做的選總統大富翁,你要想辦法 get 很多票數,但現在的大富翁只有 2 個 characters 所以我想要再 add 一個角色,這樣子會 more fun。

我覺得我 today 很 happy 因為我今天 make 了一個大富翁,而且我 think 很 fun,那我們就在下一篇 blog 見囉!掰掰!

2019年10月20日 星期日


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要和大家分享我今天去科博館的經驗,不只是科博館,我們早上還有去走草悟道、科博館前的生命大道以及讓我有點想哭的連儂隧道,因為我不希望台灣變得跟香港一樣。

今天早上媽媽就載我到科博館,科博館對面有一間一芳,它的 3 樓寫著 2020 1 月 11 日唯一支持韓國瑜,我還蠻生氣的,因為我要參加一個戶外教學的活動,我們第一個去的地方是離科博館很近的生命大道,那是一條河流,水不深而且可以看到底部的圖案,導覽老師說如果 46 億 6000 萬年是一天的話,那人類就只有出現一分鐘。



接著我們就到了廣三 Sogo 百貨店,我們剛好看到 11 點的時鐘表演,那個很漂亮,我們早上的最後一站是草悟道,接著我們就去吃麥當當當午餐了。


我覺得我今天很開心,因為我今天去了一個戶外教學,我也很開心,我也想繼續參加,那我們就在下一個影片見囉!Bye Bye~~~~~~~~~~

2019年10月19日 星期六


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹今天我們做的發射火箭機器,它用的原理是白努力定律,所以它推動火箭的力道很大。


2019年10月18日 星期五

I really created Shufflely board game

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that I made the cards of the Shufflely board game.

Let me tell you about the cards!

That is the Shufflely card you can win if all Shufflely cards are burned.

That is the rain card. It can make all Shufflely cards normal if there isn't a shield or super shield.

That is the tub card which can make one of your enemy's Shufflely normal if there isn't a shield or super shield.

This is the Jin card. It makes one of your Shufflely burns.

This is the Super Shield card. Use it if you have a shield card! It can avoid everything.

This is the Making Shield card. Use it so you can use the normal shield card (not special shield card)

This is the normal shield card. It is a kind of shield card. Use it if you have a Making Shield card.

This is the special shield card. It's a kind of shield card. You can use it without a Making Shield card.

It is the break shield card. You can break a shield or Making Shield card with it.

I think today I felt happy because today I introduced the game I made. I think that is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very cool. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

The Shufflely board game

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everyone that I am trying to make a board game by myself but now I haven't get started on making cards. I just have the instructions for the game.

There are few rules in this game:

  1. Everyone can get 3 Shufflely cards.
  2. Everyone can get 5 special cards.
  3. The first player to have all Shufflely cards burned is the winner.
  4. Have fun.

There are 7 kinds of special cards:

  1. Making Shield Card: You can use the card before using the Shield Card.
  2. Shield Card: It can avoid rain and anti-burn.
  3. Super Shield: It can avoid everything but you must have a shield first.
  4. Break Shield: It can break Shield and Making Shield but not Super Shield.
  5. Anti-burn: Use it when you want enemy's Shufflely turn back in normal (If there isn't Shield or Super Shield).
  6. Jin: Make one of your Shufflely be burned.
  7. Rain: Make all of Shufflely cards normal (If there isn't Shield or Super Shield).

I think today I felt happy because today I introduced the board game I am making and that is very cool. I hope I can finish it this month. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

2019年10月16日 星期三


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我拍了一個影片教大家關於骰子的事實,得到的點數的機率其實有差異,我舉例的骰子是所有洞都要一樣大才能運作。


2019年10月15日 星期二

Playing Scratch in Scratch!!!!!

Hi, everyone. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I found a project on Scratch and it is crazy because it is a mini version of Scratch in Scratch. It uses a list and there contains blocks.

I think today I felt happy because today I played a project and it is Scratch in Scratch. I think that is amazing so I want to make one myself. If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

2019年10月14日 星期一


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹不分區政黨票,我相信很多人不知道不分區政黨票是什麼吧,今天我就要和大家介紹不分區政黨票。

首先,我們要先知道 2016 年的總得票數,大約是 12000000 票,但要過 5% 的門檻才可以有席次,接著用有過門檻的政黨的票數的和 (大約 10000000 票) 除以 34 所得到的結果是 300000 左右,所以三十萬票就可享有一席,最後就可以去推算囉!


2019年10月13日 星期日

Curriculum Vitae (Chen-Yu Tsai)

Chen-Yu Tsai (Yu)

Nov 11, 2010 / Email / Blog / Jobo's Daily (Facebook Page) / Scratch / YouTube

Current Position

Driver, Builder and Programmer, 6699B Unicorn Puncher, VEX IQ Challenge
7th grade / Homeschooling since 2nd grade (First year summary / visit)

Favorite Subjects

Geography / Politics / Robot / Coding / Math / English / Blog / YouTube

Favorite Pokemon


Worldwide Math Awards

2021/8 Diamond Medal, Grade 4 group, World Mathematics Invitational

2022/12 1st Place Award, Grade 6, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Autumn.

2023/4 Silver Award, Grade 6, Global Junior Math Online Competition.
2023/4 1st Place Award, Grade 6, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Spring.
2023/7 Diamond Medal, Grade 6 group, World Mathematics Invitational.
2023/7 2nd Place Award, Grade 6, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Summer.
2023/7 3rd Place Award, Grade 6, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Finals.

2024/3 Gold Medal (12/1765), Grade 7 group, Math Kangaroo.
2024/4 Gold Award, Grade 7, Global Junior Math Aptitude Test.
2024/4 Global 1st Place, Grade 7, Global Junior Math Aptitude Test.
2024/4 1st Place Award, Grade 7, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Semi-Finals.
2024/6 Global 1st Place, Grade 7, Global Junior Math Online Competition.
2024/7 1st Place Award, Grade 7, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Finals.
2024/10 1st Place Award, Grade 8, Mathematics Without Borders International Tournament Autumn.

Worldwide Robotics Awards

2021/3 World Skills Standings 2nd Place, VEX IQ 2020-2021 World Skills Standings, Elementary.
2021/5 World Champion: VEX IQ 2020-2021 Rise Above Design Award.

2022/2 World LRT Ranking 1st Place, VEX IQ 2021-2022 LRT Standings, Middle School.
2022/3 World Skills Standings 1st Place, VEX IQ 2021-2022 World Skills Standings, Middle School.
2022/5 Divisional Champion, VEX IQ 2021-2022 World Championship, Middle School.
2022/5 Think Award, VEX IQ 2021-2022 World Championship, Middle School.
2022/12 Bronze Medal, World Ranking 11, Elementary School, World Robot Olympiad 2022.

2023/2 Qualified for VEX Worlds, VEX IQ 2022-2023 Taiwan Open, Middle School.
2023/3 World Skills Standings 1st Place, VEX IQ 2022-2023 World Skills Standings, Middle School.

2025/1 World Skills Standings 2nd Place, VEX IQ 2024-2025 World Skills Standings, Middle School.

National Math Awards

2017/11 Top 5% (33/2639), Grade 1 group, Superb Math Challenge.(卓越盃數學競賽)

2018/4 Gold Medal (2/385), 1st in Mid-Taiwan, Grade 1 group, OLPC Math Competition.(奧林匹克數理競試)
2018/11 Gold Medal (12/4028), Grade 2 group, Superb Math Challenge.(卓越盃數學競賽)
2018/11 Championship (1/1024), Full marks, Grade 2 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2018/12 Gold Medal, Grade 2 group, World Mathematics International Taiwan round(世界數學邀請賽臺灣初選通過)

2019/4 Gold Medal (10/391), 1st in Mid-Taiwan, Grade 2 group, OLPC Math Competition.(奧林匹克數理競試)
2019/11 Gold Medal (6/269), 1st in Mid-Taiwan, Grade 3 group, OLPC Math Competition.(奧林匹克數理競試)
2019/11 Gold Medal (85/3255), Top 2.6%, Grade 3 group, Superb Math Challenge.(卓越盃數學競賽)
2019/11 Elite Award (5/981), Top 0.5%, Grade 3 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2019/12 Gold Medal (16/311), Grade 3 group, World Mathematics International Taiwan round(世界數學邀請賽臺灣初選通過)

2020/11 Gold Medal (18/3327), Top 0.54%, Grade 4 group, Superb Math Challenge.(卓越盃數學競賽)
2020/11 Elite Award (5/1325), Top 0.37%, Grade 4 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)

2021/4 Gold Medal (3/368), Grade 4 group, OLPC Math Competition.(奧林匹克數理競試)
2021/11 Gold Medal (23/2479), Top 0.92%, Grade 5 group, Superb Math Challenge.(卓越盃數學競賽)
2021/11 Elite Award (4/910), Top 0.43%, Grade 5 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2021/12 Gold Medal (1/316), Grade 5 group, World Mathematics International Taiwan round(世界數學邀請賽臺灣初選通過)
2021/12 Group 4th Place, High Elementary Group. OLPC Math Group Competition. (奧林匹克團體賽)
2021/12 Individual 10th Place, High Elementary Group. OLPC Math Group Competition. (奧林匹克團體賽)

2022/4 Gold Medal (39/486), Grade 5 group, OLPC Math Competition Basic.(奧林匹克數理競試 金卓越數學王)
2022/4 Gold Medal (2/486), Grade 5 group, OLPC Math Competition Advanced.(奧林匹克數理競試 奧數挑戰王)
2022/12 Individual Gold Medal, High Elementary Group. OLPC Math Group Competition.(奧林匹克團體賽)
2022/12 Group 2nd Place, High Elementary Group. OLPC Math Group Competition.(奧林匹克團體賽)
2022/12 1st Place (1/2062), Top 0.04%, Grade 6 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)

2023/4 Gold Medal (1/341), Grade 6 group, OPLC Math Competition Basic.(奧林匹克數理競試 金卓越數學王)
2023/4 Gold Medal, Grade 6 group, OLPC Math Competition Science.(奧林匹克數理競試 自然科學王)
2023/12 Individual Gold Medal, Junior High group, OLPC Math Group Competition. (奧林匹克團體賽)
2023/12 Group 18th Place, Junior High group, OLPC Math Group Competition. (奧林匹克團體賽)
2023/12 Elite Award, Grade 7 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)
2023/12 Group 1st Place, Grade 7 group, T&AMC.(超越盃數學競賽)

2024/4 Gold Medal, Grade 7 group, OLPC Math Competition Basic.(奧林匹克數理競試 金卓越數學王)
2024/4 Gold Medal , Grade 7 group, OLPC Math Competition Advanced.(奧林匹克數理競試 奧數挑戰王)
2024/4 Gold Medal, Grade 7 group, OLPC Math Competition Science.(奧林匹克數理競試 自然科學王)
2024/6 Excellent Award, Grade 7 group, Taiwan Mathematics Test.(臺灣中小學數學能力檢定考試)
2024/11 Individual 8th Place, Junior High Group. OLPC Math Group Competition.(奧林匹克團體賽)
2024/11 Group 7th Place, Junior High Group. OLPC Math Group Competition.(奧林匹克團體賽)

2025/1 Silver Award, Grade 8 group, World Mathematics International Taiwan round(世界數學邀請賽臺灣初選通過)

National Robotics and Informatics Awards

2020/8 First Prize, Elementary School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad 2020.(WRO2020 國際奧林匹亞 智能機器人 聯盟賽 臺灣中南區 國小組 冠軍 / 雖可晉級,但因疫情,無全國賽與世界賽。)
2020/12 Championship (Teamwork Champion Award), Elementary School Group, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Preliminaries, Group B. 

2021/1 Design Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Elementary.
2021/1 Teamwork 2nd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Elementary.
2021/8 Fifth Prize, Elementary School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad 2021.
2021/11 Championship (Teamwork Champion Award), Middle School Group, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Preliminaries, Group B. 
2021/12 PR 99, 300/300, Grade 5-6, International Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking

2022/2 Excellence Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Middle School.
2022/2 Teamwork Champion Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open Championship, Middle School.
2022/3 Robot Skills Champion Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open (Skills-only), Middle School.
2022/7 First Prize, Elementary School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad 2022.
2022/8 Fourth Prize, Elementary School, Taiwan Championship, World Robot Olympiad 2022.
2022/12 Skills 4th Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open, Middle School.
2022/12 Qualification 1st place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open, Middle School.

2023/1 Create Award, TAI-VEX IQ Slapshot, VEX IQ 2022-2023.
2023/2 Think Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2022-2023, Middle School.
2023/2 Skills 2nd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2022-2023, Middle School.
2023/4 Honorable Mention, Middle School, WRO Online Competition, World Robot Olympiad 2023.
2023/7 Second Place, Middle School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad 2023.
2023/8 Fourth Place, Middle School, Taiwan Championship, World Robot Olympiad 2023.
2023/9 Teamwork Champion Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024 Warm-Up, Middle School.
2023/9 Skills 1st Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024 Warm-Up, Middle School.
2023/9 Teamwork 2nd Place, VEX IQ Dr.Player Robotics Lab 2023-2024 Warm-Up, Middle School.
2023/9 Skills 3rd Place, VEX IQ Dr.Player Robotics Lab 2023-2024 Warm-Up, Middle School.
2023/10 Teamwork 2nd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024, Southern Taiwan Competition, Middle School.
2023/10 Skills 3rd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024, Southern Taiwan Competition, Middle School.
2023/11 Teamwork 5th Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024, Central Taiwan Competition, Middle School.

2024/1 Teamwork Champion Award, TAI-VEX IQ Full Volume, VEX IQ 2023-2024.
2024/1 Think Award, TAI-VEX IQ Full-Volume, VEX IQ 2023-2024.
2024/1 Teamwork 3rd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024, National Championship, Middle School.
2024/1 Skills 3rd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024, National Championship, Middle School.
2024/1 Build Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2023-2024, National Championship, Middle School.
2024/4 Honorable Mention, Middle School, WRO Online Competition, World Robot Olympiad 2024.
2024/7 First Place, Middle School, Central and Southern Taiwan, World Robot Olympiad 2024.
2024/8 Eighth Place, Middle School, National Championship, World Robot Olympiad 2024.
2024/12 Teamwork Champion Award, TAI-VEX IQ Rapid Relay, VEX IQ 2024-2025.
2024/12 Skills Champion Award, TAI-VEX IQ Rapid Relay, VEX IQ 2024-2025.
2024/12 Design Award, TAI-VEX IQ Rapid Relay, VEX IQ 2024-2025.

2025/1 Teamwork 4th Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2024-2025, National Championship, Middle School.
2025/1 Skills 2nd Place, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2024-2025, National Championship, Middle School.
2025/1 Amaze Award, VEX IQ Taiwan Open 2024-2025, National Championship, Middle School.

English Certificates and Awards

2017/12 First Place, 2017 Spelling Bee Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2018/5 Second Place, 2018 Speaking Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2018/12 Second Place, 2018 Spelling Bee Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2019/5 First Place, 2019 Speaking Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2019/12 First Place, 2019 Spelling Bee Contest, American Eagle Institute.
2020/12 First Place, 2020 Spelling Bee Contest, American Eagle Institute.

2024/5 GEPT High-Intermediate Level Passed.

Japanese Certificates and Awards

2023/12 JLPT N5 Passed.

In-school Awards (Grade 1 only, then homeschooling)

2018/1 Academic Excellence (Top 1), 1st Semester, 1st Grade.
2018/1 Lunch Service Volunteer, 1st Grade.
2018/1 Recycling Pioneer, 1st Grade.
2018/3 Best Works in Winter Vacation, 1st Grade.

2018/3 Certificate of Merit, Essay Contest, 1st and 2nd Grade.
2018/4 Best Taichung Student Award, Taichung city government.
2018/6 Academic Excellence (Top 1), 2nd Semester, 1st Grade.

Software Developing Projects

2022/12 SDG 8 Trivia Game, Scratch Project
2023/3 Tank War Game, Scratch Project
2023/4 Flag Guessing Game, Chrome Extension
2023/4 WRO Question System, Website

Volunteer / Community Service

2022/6 Experience Sharing and Speaker, 8 hours, VEX Taiwan, CACET.
2024/1 Field Reset Volunteer, 16 hours, 2023-2024 VEX V5 Taiwan Open Middle School Championship, CACET
2024/2 Field Reset Volunteer, 16 hours, 2023-2024 VEX IQ Taiwan Open Elementary School Championship, CACET
2025/1 Field Assistance Volunteer, 16 hours, 2024-2025 VEX IQ Taiwan Open Elementary School Championship, CACET

Coding (Scratch, Tynker, etc...)

Playing Scratch in Scratch!!!!!
A Scratch pen writing alphabets!
A Web Browser using Scratch!
A 300 blocks super cute Scratch project!
The jots bits song
Trying to make a guessing game!
A person's adventure using Scratch
My Scratch Project: Toy Store!
Hitting a hamster using Scratch!
Adventure! The game I made with Scratch
【學習單】《程式特攻隊》5. 參數懸浮龜 6. 模組化英雄
My Scratch project: Triangle to Tetragonal!
Minecraft: The craziest Lucky Blocks
Ultimate Color Switch 2
Speaking Gobo on Scratch
Playing Crystal Clash on Tynker
Playing Ultimate Color Switch on Scratch
Using Painting Squirtle to paint!
90 subscribers gift: Dinosaur calculator!
My Scratch project: Why Boeing 737 max 8 crashed?
My Scratch project: Guessing numbers!
Journal writing: My favorite subject
How did I make the Nagoya video?
Minecraft: making houses!
《希臘羅馬神話漫畫:2. 諸神之王宙斯》學習單 / Yu
《程式特攻隊》3. 如果否則迷宮 4. 巢狀救命階梯 學習單 / Yu
《程式特攻隊》第一冊、第二冊 學習單 / Yu
Minecraft: I made a mod!
《給中小學生的藝術史:繪畫篇》電子學習單 / Yu
Minecraft: Minecraft Java on computer
Scratch 進度報告:Hitting monster 1 / Speed!
Scratch 進度報告:Hitting monster 1 / Shopping!
Scratch 進度報告:Hitting monster 1 / The boss is coming
Scratch 進度報告:Hitting monster 1
I learned lots of things in CodeCombat
I am keep making the project: Monster war in space
New Scratch project: Monster war in space
Minecraft: a picture of a castle, soldiers and a king
Today I made a game from Scratch: Venusaur vs Mega Gengar
I made a little game
The first homeschooling day, and the video I made from Scratch Jr
Karrie VS Gord

Posts in Politics

從九合一到 2020 的故事
六上社會 戰後台灣的經濟發展 學習單 / Yu

My EV3 projects

These are my EV3 projects. I started to learn EV3 since August 2019. I like EV3 because you can make almost everything with it. Please enjoy.

投籃機(EV3 迷你版) version 2
用 EV3 做的投籃機(迷你版)
The Ev3 battle
A robot cleaning the floor
Ev3 robots battle!
An EV3 robot walking on a line!
The EV3 robot
EV3 is fun!

My YouTube Channel


大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹我跟 EV3 做的分辨錢幣的機器,我覺得那個機器的構造非常的複雜,也很難站立,所以我在製作過程會有一些小困難。


2019年10月12日 星期六

The super cool thing (and crazy)

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that my sister and I made a super crazy thing we put a picnic blanket on the skateboard and it can really move but I didn't show you guys but that is very good.

I think today I felt happy because today I introduced the very crazy thing and I added all captions on it so it makes the video better. If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

2019年10月11日 星期五

A Scratch pen writing alphabets!

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I made a Scratch pen that can write alphabets and that is pretty good. I think that is pretty hard. It can write seven alphabets now.

I think today I felt happy because today I made a Scratch pen that can write seven alphabets. That took 380 blocks and that is a lot. If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

2019年10月10日 星期四

Battling in Code Combat

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I played Code Combat. The game I played in is to battle on a field and you need to collect 100 coins. That was fun.

I think today I felt happy because today I used Code Combat to play a game using Python and Python is a very good language so I think that is cool. If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

2019年10月8日 星期二

A very cute game reaching 550 blocks!

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I made a very cute game. It is just 500 blocks and I want it to reach 10000 blocks. That is just the very beginning but only 9500 blocks left.

I think today I felt happy because today I created a project about a game. That will be the 10000 blocks game. I think I can do it in the future. If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video, and tell me what do you want to watch. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

See My Project!

2019年10月6日 星期日

投籃機(EV3 迷你版) version 2

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹我做的迷你投籃機,這個投籃機大概有 6 個重要的部分,按鈕、主機、籃框、紅外線感測器、斜坡和接球區。

  1. 按鈕式開始遊戲必須的東西,相當於投幣孔。
  2. 主機是裝著程式而且具有許多功能的重要物件。
  3. 籃框算是一個指示的用具。
  4. 紅外線感測器是感測有沒有得分的東西。
  5. 斜坡除了可以讓其滾到接球區以外,還有儲藏的功能。
  6. 接球區是接球的地方。


我覺得我今天很開心因為我今天改善了我的投籃機,那我們就在下一個影片見囉!Bye Bye~~

2019年10月5日 星期六

A Web Browser using Scratch!

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu. I think everybody thinks Web Browsers are using Python like Google uses Python, but I used Scratch to make a Web Browser!

I think today I felt happy because today I made a Web Browser using Scratch. I hope you can add things to the Web Browser! If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video and tell me what do you want to watch in the next video. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

2019年10月3日 星期四

用 EV3 做的投籃機(迷你版)

大家好,我是 Yu,今天我要跟大家介紹我用 EV3 做的投籃機,我覺得那個真的很酷,我跟姊姊本來就喜歡投籃機,雖然玩一次要 10 元,但爸爸說我們可以做做看,他還說這樣才有比爾·蓋茲的樣子。


A very cute game reaching 400 blocks!

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I added 100 blocks to the project I am making which is A very cute game. I reached 400 blocks and I am trying to go to 500 blocks.

I think today I felt happy because today I added 100 blocks to the very cute project. My target is 10000 blocks. I hope I can keep making the project. If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video and tell me what do you want to watch in the next video. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

See my project!

2019年10月1日 星期二

A 300 blocks super cute Scratch project!

Hi, everybody. My name is Yu and today I want to tell everybody that today I made a 300 blocks super cute project and it is very cute. There are two main games right now. The first one is the dodging from the fire game. It is easy. The second one is trying to catch money and avoid socks.

I think today I felt happy because today I added 100 blocks to the very cute project. My target is 10000 blocks. I hope I can keep making the project. If you like the video, please give it a like, subscribe to my channel, share the video and tell me what do you want to watch in the next video. See you guys in the next blog. Goodbye!

See my project!